Name: As Receitas de Portugal.apk
ID: com.asreceitasdeportugal
Version: 6
Size: 5.6 Mb
As Receitas de Portugal Screen Preview
How to install As Receitas de Portugal apk for android
- For Android 4.0 or higher:Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.
As Receitas de Portugal Description
The Portuguese cuisine consists of delicious recipes. Here you can find some of the existing thousands.This application is divided into categories for easier to find what you are looking;
-Aves e Coelho
-Carnes e Miudezas
-Entradas Frias
-Entradas Quentes
-Peixe e Marisco
It also has option to search and store your favorite recipes * through the simplified interface. You can also access your account via your computer anywhere.
* You must be registered (a)
This application is in Portuguese language only
What's new in As Receitas de Portugal 6
6.0Esta versão inclui muitos melhoramentos.
Sendo a mais especifica a opção de desactivar as notificações.
NOTA: para receber notificações e necessário registar o aparelho. Basta ir ao menu "notificações" e ele se regista sozinho. No mesmo menu tem a opção de desactivar as notificações.
Para qualquer problema contacte:
Download As Receitas de Portugal 6 unlimited APK
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How to use As Receitas de Portugal unlimited apk
How to mod As Receitas de Portugal 6 apk
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