ID: com.wizgenxsoft.budgetnew
Version: 3.2
Size: 4.5 Mb
Budget Analyst Screen Preview
How to install Budget Analyst apk for android
- For Android 4.0 or higher:Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.
Budget Analyst Details
Visualize your money where it goes and cash Info through Budget AnalystBudget Analyst is all Inclusive personal budget manager simplifies daily expenses tracking and monthly budgeting, it’s easy to use and astonished User Interface with support of Retina Display.
Visualization Pie charts and Bar charts gives you how your money distributed among different categories,also provides where your money goes and finds new ways to save.
It comes with following Modules:
++ Income ++
++ Expenses
++ Accounts
++ Payees
++ Budgets
++ Bills
++ Reports
Key Features:
++ Simple and Quick Entry of data!
++ Easy to navigate between the Different modules!
++ Visualize your Expenses, Income, Budgets through Pie charts and Bar Graphs!
++ Eliminated typing to maximum extents by simply choosing from the popups!
++ Add unlimited number of records!
++ Quickly Access Overview of Income and Expenses for Day, Week, Month and Year!
++ Complete World Currencies list!
++ Inbuilt Currency Converter!
++ Inbuilt Simple Calculator!
++ Internal Help supports in add/Edit/Delete the transactions!
++ Gives complete picture of your Income.
++ Easy entry of Income and Cash flow.
++ View Incomes on Monthly basis.
++ Find the Total of the Incomes for each month.
++ This Module gives you complete Info by How your Expenses are done by Date and by Category wise.
++ Group your Transactions by Day basis or Category basis
++ Find Total Expenses on Monthly basis.
++ Also Find Expenses cost on particular day or on particular Category.
++ Add new categories/subcategories/payees/Accounts without going to particular module.
++ This Module gives you complete Info of Each and Account you entered by visualizing expenses, Income, and Fund transfer between the accounts.
++ View all the transactions related to Accounts at one place on monthly basis.
++ Edit / Delete the records of Income and expenses transactions without going to the particular module.
++ Easily find out the total ‘Funds In’ and ‘Funds out’ and Current Balance at single glance.
++ Transfer the amounts from one account to another with single popup.
++ This Module gives you complete Info of Each and Every payee what you have paid by monthly wise.
++ You can find Total amount paid to the payees.
++ Also you can find Amount paid for each and every payee.
++ View all the transactions related to each payee at Single Glance.
++ Also Edit/Delete the transactions without going to particular Module.
++ You can set your monthly Targets and goals for unlimited number of categories.
++ Comes with pre-populated Categories and subcategories.
++ Simple to Add Budgets for each and every category and subcategory.
++ Check out your budgets on category/subcategory wise.
++ Check out your budgets against expenses.
++ Visualize your budgets and expenses.
++ Find remaining amounts in budgets against expenses on each and every category/ subcategory.
++ View your Total monthly Budgets on category/subcategory basis.
++ Change budgets at your fingertips.****
++ View your budget history with single tap for every subcategory.
++ Automatically adds your budgets into history after the budget cycle closes.
++ Add Categories and Subcategories at any time and allocate budgets to them.
++ Bills module gives you the glimpse of your bills and upcoming bills overdue bills on Calendar.
++ By using this module you never miss any utility bills.
++ Easy to Add/Edit/Delete Bills.
++ View the Scheduled Bills on Pre-Installed Calendar.
++ Check out Total Bills on Month wise
++ Easily check paid and unpaid bills as separate lists.
++ Generate graphs between any selected dates.
++ Generate bar charts between
++ Expenses and Income
++ Expenses and Income and Budget
++ Expenses and Budgets
++ Generate Pie Chart along Expenses between Categories.
What's new in Budget Analyst 3.2
# Fixed the crash problem while adding recurrents.Download Budget Analyst patch 3.2 APK
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