ID: com.reddstudios.thuglifetaxi
Version: 1.0.5
Size: 17 Mb
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How to install Drag Taxi apk for android
- For Android 4.0 or higher:Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.
Drag Taxi Description
How long can you go stay in this taxi? Ride this taxi and find out! The newest Taxi has now arrived! Play this fantastic game and get hours of fun.- No IAPs, no micro transactions, no crippled gameplay, no data requirements.
- Touch and Drag the screen to move the Taxi
- Evade the enemy spinning Bulalord strengthened by the holy leaf
- Beat your own score and the score of your friends
- Share on social media
A taxicab, also known as a taxi or a cab, is a type of vehicle for hire with a driver, used by a single passenger or small group of passengers, often for a non-shared ride. A taxicab conveys passengers between locations of their choice. This differs from other modes of public transport where the pick-up and drop-off locations are determined by the service provider, not by the passenger, although demand responsive transport and share taxis provide a hybrid bus/taxi mode.
Most places allow a taxi to be "hailed" or "flagged" on the side of the street as it is approaching. Another option is a taxi stand (sometimes also called a "cab stand," "hack stand," "taxi rank," or "cab rank"). Taxi stands are usually located at airports, railway stations, major retail areas (malls), hotels and other places where a large number of passengers are likely to be found. In some places—Japan, for example—taxi stands are arranged according to the size of the taxis, so that large- and small-capacity cabs line up separately. The taxi at the front of the line is due (barring unusual circumstances) for the next fare. In the United States, a nut is industry slang for the amount of money a driver has to pay upfront to lease a taxi for a specific period of time. Once that amount is collected in fare, the driver then begins to make a profit. A driver "on the nut" is trying to earn back the initial cost. This varies from city to city though, in Las Vegas, Nevada, all taxicabs are owned and operated by the companies and all drivers are employees (hence no initial cost and earn a percentage of each fare). So "on the nut" simply means to be next in a taxi stand to receive a passenger.
Passengers also commonly call a central dispatch office for taxis. In some jurisdictions private hire vehicles can only be hired from the dispatch office, and must be assigned each fare by the office by radio or phone. Picking up passengers off the street in these areas can lead to suspension or revocation of the driver's taxi license, or even prosecution.
Other areas may have a mix of the two systems, where drivers may respond to radio calls and also pick up street fares.
The newest method to hire is use E-hailing which passengers hire the taxi use its mobile device directly to the one of taxi cabs appear in the screen without involve the call center, but the headquarter certainly can monitor all its taxis by GPS tracking. It is used by GetTaxi, Easy Taxi, GrabTaxi, etc.
Have fun!
Enjoy the game.
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What's new in Drag Taxi 1.0.5
- Fixed online to offline use crash and vice versa.- Improved Gameplay. Crazier Taxi.
- Device Resolution Compatiblity Update
- No IAPs, no micro transactions, no crippled gameplay, no data requirements.
- Game runs on all Android Phones running Android 2..3.3 or higher for wide compatibility
- Game runs on all Android Tablets running Android 2.3.3 or higher for wide compatibility
- Stupid difficult, but that's why you'll love it.
- Enjoy
Download Drag Taxi 1.0.5 APK
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