Version: 2.3.7
Size: 15 Mb
Swisscom Movilizer Screen Preview
How to install Swisscom Movilizer apk for android
- For Android 4.0 or higher:Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.
Swisscom Movilizer Description
With its Movilizer Cloud Service, Swisscom offers a variable service package for the digitization and mobilization of business process. This service is aimed exclusively at business customers and only usable end-to-end in conjunction with core IT systems. The Swisscom Movilizer app available here is a so-called app container on the device. First and foremost, it provides a secure connection to the Swisscom Movilizer Cloud Service. As a customer of the Movilizer Cloud Services, you can use your specific apps (“Movelets”) stored in this container to mobilize and digitize business processes online and offline.During the course of a project, we will connect your core systems (e.g. your ERP) to the mobile devices via Swisscom’s Movilizer Cloud using a Movilizer Cloud connector. With the Swisscom Movilizer Cloud Service — hosted and operated in Switzerland — it is possible to both develop your own apps and simply and securely integrate one of the numerous out-of-the-box apps.
Without the Swisscom Movilizer Cloud Service, this app is just an empty container. Discover the advantages of mobile and digital business processes for your company: drop us a line today at
Digitisation is not just the latest hype, it is in fact a reality — and we are right in the thick of it. New technologies keep popping up at ever shorter intervals — with Swisscom’s Movilizer Cloud, you can start taking advantage of these new possibilities and opportunities today.
What's new in Swisscom Movilizer 2.3.7
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How to mod Swisscom Movilizer 2.3.7 apk
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