Version: 1.91
Size: 8.4 Mb
Serbian Holy Bible Screenshots
How to setup Serbian Holy Bible apk for android
- For Android 4.0 or higher:Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.
Serbian Holy Bible Description
Српска Библија - Serbian Bible [Đura Daničić, Vuk Karadžić]Молим вас, изаберите књигу Библије на српском језику:
Stari zavet - Old Testament
Gn [1] Postanak
Ex [2] Izlazak
Lv [3] Levitski Zakonik
Nm [4] Brojevi
Dt [5] Ponovljeni Zakon
Js [6] Isus Navin
Jg* [7] Sudije
Rt [8] Ruta
1Sm [9] 1. Samuelova
2Sm [10] 2. Samuelova
1Kn [11] 1. Kraljevima
2Kn [12] 2. Kraljevima
1Ch [13] 1. Dnevnika
2Ch [14] 2. Dnevnika
Ez [15] Ezra
Nh [16] Nehemija
Es [17] Jestira
Jb [18] Jov
Ps [19] Psalmi
Pr [20] Poslovice
Ec [21] Propovednik
Sn [22] Pesma nad pesmama
Is [23] Isaija
Jr [24] Jeremija
Lm [25] Jeremijine tužbalice
Ek*[26] Jezekilj
Dn [27] Danilo
Hs [28] Osija
Jl [29] Joil
Am [30] Amos
Ob [31] Ovadija
Jn [32] Jona
Mc [33] Mihej
Na*[34] Naum
Hk*[35] Avakum
Zp [36] Sofonija
Hg [37] Agej
Zc [38] Zaharija
Ml [39] Malahija
Novi zavet - New Testament
Mt [40] Mateju - МАТЕЈ
Mr [41] Marku - МАРКO
Lk [42] Luki - ЛУКA
Jh [43] Jovanu - ЈОВАН
Ac [44] Dela apostolska - ДЕЛА АПОСТОЛСКА
Rm [45] Rimljanima - РИМЉАНИМА
1Cr [46] 1. Korinćanima - 1 КОРИНЋАНИМА
2Cr [47] 2. Korinćanima - 2 КОРИНЋАНИМА
Gl [48] Galaćanima - ГАЛАЋАНИМА
Ep [49] Efežanima - ЕФЕСЦИМА
Ph [50] Filipljanima - ФИЛИПЉАНИМА
Cl [51] Kološanima - КОЛОШАНИМА
1Th [52] 1. Solunjanima - 1 СОЛУЊАНИМА
2Th [53] 2. Solunjanima - 2 СОЛУЊАНИМА
1Tm [54] 1. Timoteju - 1 ТИМОТЕЈУ
2Tm [55] 2. Timoteju - 2 ТИМОТЕЈУ
Tt [56] Titu - ТИТУ
Pl* [57] Filemonu - ФИЛИМОНУ
Hb [58] Jevrejima - ЈЕВРЕЈИМА
Jm [59] Jakovljeva - ЈАКОВЉЕВА
1Pt [60] 1. Petrova - 1 ПЕТРОВА
2Pt [61] 2. Petrova - 2 ПЕТРОВА
1Jh [62] 1. Jovanova - 1 ЈОВАНОВА
2Jh [63] 2. Jovanova - 2 ЈОВАНОВА
3Jh [64] 3. Jovanova - 3 ЈОВАНОВА
Jd [65] Judina - ЈУДИНА
Rv [66] Apokalipsa - ОТКРИВЕЊЕ
This is Српска Библија - Serbian Holy Bible. The Application is OFFLINE and does not need the internet connection.
Database will be downloaded when the application is run first time. We recommend you to use Wi-Fi connection.
Main features:
1. History – every word you ever viewed is stored in history.
2. Favorites – you are able to add words to favorites list by clicking the “star” icon.
3. Managing History and Favorites lists – you are able edit those lists or clear them.
4. Various Settings – you may change application’s font and theme (choose one of several color themes).
5. Word spelling, using Text-To-Speech module (requires internet connection). Powered by iSpeech®.
6. Context word search – click any word in translation article and search for it’s translation.
7. Random word of the day widget. To see the widget in the list the application must be installed to phone memory (dictionary database may be installed anywhere).
This app contains advertising.
What's new in Serbian Holy Bible 1.91
Bugfixes and Some SDKs update.Download Serbian Holy Bible 1.91 APK
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